Colin Mitchell Artwork

Info / Contact

A Brief Bio

I received my BFA with distinction from the University of Lethbridge in 1999, and have been exhibiting work in numerous group and solo exhibitions in Vancouver, and elsewhere throughout BC since graduating (with a brief break between 2003 - 2013 to raise my children). I have been a guest instructor at Elementary Schools and taught publicly on many subjects. My work is in public and private collections around the globe.

Artist's Statement

Rather than having a single style of repeated works, I prefer to have a large group of themes, ideas and styles to draw from which I periodically re-visit, and which will continually grow, evolve and influence each other, leading to new interests over the course of my lifetime.

I take a very long-term approach to art creation; seeing the scope of my past, present and planned future work all together, and how it will all be unified at the end of my life into a cohesive whole. I feel that approaching art in this way keeps my work fresh, and helps it to be less repetitive and formulaic than if I were to work in the same style for long periods of time, repeating the same motions and artwork over and over.

This decision echoes my feeling that life is a long series of learning adventures in which we examine our surroundings and turn them inside-out to study and interpret them, then show others what we have learned from the experience. By continually cycling my work and the media used I am always interested in what I am doing, always seeking new lessons from the materials, and always finding new ways to communicate with people.

Condensed Curriculum Vitae

Selected Exhibitions:

Nov. 6, 2020 - Jan. 6, 2021 "The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same" ... Solo Exhibition, Langley Arts Council, Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre (and online) - Aldergrove, BC

Sept. 25 - Nov. 4, 2020 "artSpacific" ... Awarded Third Place in "Mixed Media" category, curated Group Exhibition, Langley Arts Council, Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre (and online) - Aldergrove, BC

May 15 - June 24, 2019 "Photography: Textures and Details" ... curated Group Exhibition, Township of Langley Civic Facility - Langley, BC

2018 Awarded First Place in "The Family Show" at the Semiahmoo Arts Centre, White Rock, BC

June 28 - Aug. 4, 2018 "The Family Show" ... curated Group Exhibition, Semiahmoo Arts Centre - White Rock, BC

2016 Two paintings selected as the artwork for the UFV Alumni Association Annual Wine Labels - Abbotsford, BC

Oct. 3 - 25, 2014 "Boobies and Wieners : Bigger and Longer" ... Group Exhibition, Hot Art Wet City - Vancouver, BC

June 28 - Aug. 30, 2014 "ARTS 2014" ... A Juried Exhibition of visual art, Surrey Art Gallery - Surrey, BC

October 10 - 25, 2013 "(Re)Constructing Memories" ... Solo Exhibition at the University of the Fraser Valley Art Gallery - Abbotsford, BC

June 15 - July 27, 2013 "2013 Fraser Valley Regional Biennale" ... Juried Group Exhibition (Barbara Duncan - Curator), Maple Ridge Art Gallery - Maple Ridge, BC


Jan. 2013: Guest Instructor for the Surrey School District Challenge Program

2006: Assistant Sculpture / Woodshop Technician at UCFV

2005 - Present: Public Lectures, demonstrations, workshops and Youtube videos on a variety of art materials and techniques at OPUS Art Supplies

Sept. - Dec. 2003: Temporary Assistant Professor of Sculpture at UCFV

April - Sept. 2001: Grand Tour of Europe

1997 - 1999: University of Lethbridge (U of L) {graduated BFA w/ distinction}

1994 - 1997: University College of the Fraser Valley (UCFV) {graduated with Fine Arts Diploma}